Self Healing LiveBox infrastructure

Build future ready apps using LiveBox Ultra Low Latency Streaming and LiveBox's self healing infrastructure setup.

In this changing world of streaming media and audience requirements, LiveBox brings the latest technology called FutureStream. With FutureStream, users can experience live and immersive 360 degree video experiences and split second latency streaming.
FutureStream also incorporates live elements and components in which your viewers can interact using emojis, Q & A's,voting and more.
Also, when users require instant realt-time streams, FutureStream helps to deliver the content with split second delay ultra low latency streaming.

Scale massively using the LiveBox self healing infrastructure. It delivers high performance and scales automatically as you expand. The self healing capability of our servers help in recovering fast even before potential problems can start on the server. Our services are built on AWS and Axure to provide the self healing infrastructure through distribution of POPs and Nodes across the globe.

Get the LiveBox development SDK to learn more about how you can integrate and develop using LiveBox server.

By leveraging cutting edge technologies such as Websockets and synced delivery,the end to end latency is drastically reduced providing a consistant experience across all platforms.

For more info, contact +919789978981 on how you can integrate LiveBox into your media workflow

Visit to learn more.


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